How does the DIFY (Do It For You)
Plan work?

At AutomationCampaignCreator (ACC), we understand the complexities of setting up successful automation campaigns. Our Done-For-You (DIFY) process takes the burden off your shoulders, allowing our team of experts to design, implement, and optimize your campaigns. With our comprehensive and structured approach, we ensure your business achieves maximum engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Our DIFY process is built on a robust five-stage framework designed to deliver effective automation campaigns tailored to your business needs. 

Here’s how we do it, with a Proven Track Record Framework: 

Discovery and Planning

Understanding Your Business and Goals

We start with a comprehensive consultation to understand your business, target audience, campaign goals, and the type of system you have today.We will ask you about your business, how it works, your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile), your benefits, and your advantages.
Discovery and Planning
Design and Crafting

Tailoring Your Campaign

We will craft the content based on the needs per the Diagram of the Automation Campaign Creator you purchase, using the documents and content you share for the entire campaign.
Design and Crafting
Systems and Integrations

Ensuring Seamless Operations

We configure marketing automation tools and CRM integrations to ensure seamless operations. If you don’t have a system in place, we will offer you the right solution for your needs and do our best to find the best deal based on your budget and workflow. We will incorporate all the content and messages into the systems and ensure the workflow is seamless and efficient.
Systems and Integrations
Implementation and Launch

Bringing Your Campaign to Life

We implement all technical aspects, including integrations, tracking, and automation sequences. We conduct thorough testing to ensure all elements function correctly and efficiently. Then we launch the campaign, ensuring everything is in place for a successful start.
Implementation and Launch
Reporting and Handover

Delivering Results and Insights

We provide an additional 14 days of support for the campaign upon launch to ensure that all integrations and processes are in place. We will also share with your team a dedicated video explaining how it works and what we did on their project; this will help them with any future changes.
Reporting and Handover

The package will be delivered based on the Automation Campaign Creator you ordered

The Fruition RevOps Automation Campaigns Creator offers flexible, monthly-adjustable plans designed to optimize and automate marketing, sales, and service processes, enhancing campaign efficiency and boosting conversions​.

DIFY Terms

All Terms & Services for the ACC Services on this page: Terms & Services are enforced for the DIFY plan.
Additionally, here are the specific terms for this plan:

1. Upon purchase, a meeting will be scheduled; this meeting will be dedicated to kick-off and questions.
2. After the meeting, the client may request to cancel and not proceed, in which case 90% of the total amount paid will be refunded, and the order will be canceled.
3. Systems and non-native integration costs are not included and will require an additional payment per need, which the client will confirm prior to any charge.
4.Fruition RevOps will do everything in its power to create the best build and the best ACC for the customer, and the customer will do their best to share messages, experiences, and documents to ensure the work’s success.

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Your HubSpot Onboarding Plan.

** Schedule to have you High level plan for free.

Funnel Types List

Register and Get the Funnel List type

Provide you with a complete overview of the type of funnel and how to manage it. 


Wednesday, October 18th
10AM (PST)

Webinar Topic: Fix the Leak with Streamline Your Revenue Path with RevOps Funnels. 
How to seamlessly guide prospects through your company’s journey,

  1. Utilize the Funnels in Revenue Operations
  2. How to Prevent Bleeding Prospects and Customers in Your Company’s Journey
  3. How to Automate the Process for Enhanced Efficiency